Therisa Penaree
Therisa Penaree joined DeGolyer and MacNaughton in 2010 as an engineering analyst and was promoted to project petrophysicist in 2014. Prior to joining D&M, Penaree spent four years working for independent operators as a geologic and engineering analyst.
Penaree earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and anthropology with a minor in chemistry in 2006 from Southern Methodist University. She earned a master’s degree in geoscience in 2014 from the University of Texas at Dallas. She is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts. She is fluent in English and Thai.
Geographical Experience
- Azerbaijan
- Colombia
- Gulf of Mexico
- Hungary
- India
- Iraq
- Kazakhstan
- Kuwait
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Thailand
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- United States
- Uzbekistan
Topical Areas of Expertise
- Interpretation and integration of core, well-test, and geologic data into petrophysical and geologic models
- Clastic and carbonate formation evaluation utilizing wireline log data
- Computer mapping techniques
Major Projects
Penaree has evaluated reserves in various geographic regions throughout the world. Working within D&M’s Central Europe and Asia Division, she has participated in reserves evaluations for both onshore and offshore oil and gas fields.
A regular user of Techlog petrophysical and Petrel geological software packages, Penaree has analyzed all major types of logs, including electric logs predating the 1960s, Russian logs, NMR logs, imaging logs, standard open‑hole logs, and LWD. She has used the interpretation of advanced logs in the petrophysical modeling of reservoirs consisting of low-porosity fractured clastics, fractured and vuggy complex carbonates, and reservoirs with highly variable freshwater salinities, and combined these into coherent geological models.
Her experience in Russia includes projects in Eastern Siberia, the Volga-Ural Basin, the Timan-Pechora Basin, and the West Siberian Basin, including the Yamal Peninsula and the Kara Sea.